Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
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Übung Intelligente CRM Architekturen (Übung)

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Semester:Wintersemester 2018
Dozenten:Dr. Fabian Ball;
Termin:Mittwoch 15:45 - 17:15
Ort:Geb. 20.30, SR -1.015
Verlinkt mit:Vorlesung Intelligente CRM Architekturen Wintersemester 2018


Please see the Ilias course for exercise materials


Inhalt Autor
UML Ball, Fabian

Views and Styles of Architectures Ball, Fabian

Agents Ball, Fabian

Genetic Algorithms Ball, Fabian

Applications of Genetic Algorithms Ball, Fabian

Kalman Filters and Support Vector Machines Ball, Fabian

Gamification Ball, Fabian